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Vriesea Intenso Orange (F00000265) - купить по лучшей цене в artkashpo.ru

Vriesea Intenso Orange (F00000265) - купить по лучшей цене в artkashpo.ru
Vriesea Intenso Orange (F00000265) - купить по лучшей цене в artkashpo.ru
The Vriesea Intenso Orange originates from the tropical rainforests of Central and South America. This unique plant is part of the Bromeliaceae family, which includes a large number of brightly coloured tropical plants, such as pineapples. While the Vriesea Intenso Orange has a tropical background, it has adapted well to indoor living conditions in both Europe and North America.

The Vriesea Intenso Orange stands out for its vibrant orange plumes which extend on a long stem above the rosette of green leaves. The plant is epiphytic in nature, often growing on other trees without extracting nutrients. The leaves of the plant are dark green with a leathery texture and have a wide, flat surface, perfect for collecting water. The Vriesea Intenso Orange is a slow grower that only blooms once in its life, often with a spectacular result.

The care of the Vriesea Intenso Orange is relatively straightforward, contributing to its popularity as a houseplant. Although the plant likes warmth, it can also survive in temperatures between 15 and 25 degrees Celsius. The plant does not require much water, it is important to prevent the roots from standing in water for a long time, as this can lead to root rot. Indirect light is best for the Vriesea Intenso Orange, since direct sunlight can burn or discolour the leaves.
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Минимальная температура содержания 15 ℃
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Диаметр кашпо 12 см.
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Срок поставки 5 рабочих дней (при наличии на складе в Нидерландах)
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  • Наличие: предзаказ
  • Бренд: Nieuwkoop Europe (Нидерланды)
  • Артикул: F00000265
  • Следующая поставка: 26.02.2025
  • Доставка: со склада в Нидерландах ≈ 5 дней
2 003 р.
Без НДС: 2 003 р.