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Phalaenopsis Rombley (F00000055) - купить по лучшей цене в artkashpo.ru

Phalaenopsis Rombley (F00000055) - купить по лучшей цене в artkashpo.ru
Phalaenopsis Rombley (F00000055) - купить по лучшей цене в artkashpo.ru
The Phalaenopsis Rombley is a hybrid orchid, created by crossbreeding different Phalaenopsis species. Naturally, these plant species are found in the tropical rainforests of Asia, especially in the Philippines and Indonesia. The Rombley has inherited these tropical characteristics, but through cultivation, it has also been well-adapted to indoor conditions.

The Phalaenopsis Rombley is notable for its long blooming period; it can bloom for up to three months consecutively. The flowers are typically white or light pink with a small heart. They sit on long stems that depart from the centre of the plant. The leaves of the Phalaenopsis Rombley are thick, fleshy and have a bright green colour.

The Phalaenopsis Rombley requires little maintenance. The plant needs a warm, slightly humid environment, similar to the tropical rainforest from where it originates. In terms of light, the plant is satisfied with indirect sunlight. As for its water needs, it's important to remember that the Phalaenopsis Rombley is an epiphyte; it derives its moisture from the air and therefore doesn't need much water. Overwatering should be avoided in order to minimise the risk of root rot. A weekly watering is generally sufficient.
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  • Наличие: предзаказ
  • Бренд: Nieuwkoop Europe (Нидерланды)
  • Артикул: F00000055
  • Следующая поставка: 26.02.2025
  • Доставка: со склада в Нидерландах ≈ 5 дней
2 909 р.
Без НДС: 2 909 р.